Christmas · Organization

How to Store Christmas Bows

Now that it's about time to take down the Christmas decorations and pack them away for next year, I finally figured out a way to organize everything so I can easily find just what I need without going through every single tote. I realized that living in a small home, that we decorate in stages,… Continue reading How to Store Christmas Bows

Kitchen Tips & Ideas · Organization

Easy Freezer Organization

I spent the afternoon recently cleaning out, straightening up, reorganizing two freezers. It would have taken much longer, had I not had some basic organization in place already. After the initial organizing a couple of years ago, I've made a couple of small  changes to get where they are now. It has worked well for… Continue reading Easy Freezer Organization

Freezer cooking · Meal-Prep · Organization

How to Freeze Peppers & Onions

Do you still have bell peppers and maybe onions in the garden? If not, if you can find them on sale, grab as many as you can. I was so excited we had a bumper crop of peppers in the garden again this year. We are still picking several each week. I wish I could grow… Continue reading How to Freeze Peppers & Onions

Exercise · Organization

Is Being Too Organized Detrimental to Our Health?

Even with as much excess stuff as I have already removed from our home over the last couple of years, I'm going through yet another slow purge and organization project. It's not that we have a ton of stuff. Really, it's not. It's because we are trying to live large in a small home. But… Continue reading Is Being Too Organized Detrimental to Our Health?


Swedish Death Cleaning?

Oops! It happened again. I came across the phrase "Swedish Death Cleaning". Not having heard of it before, it piqued my curiosity! And down another rabbit hole I go. Swedish Death Cleaning seems to be the next big thing in the organizing world. I'm pretty good at organizing, but getting rid of stuff....not so much. So this… Continue reading Swedish Death Cleaning?